Gene Name
1122 results for " HBsAg" - showing 200-250
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (adw) Recombinant, Recombinant Protein (Cat# AAA319142)
HBsAg, Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA830186)
HBsAg antibody was purified by Ion exchange chromatography.
Myeloperoxidase, Protein (Cat# AAA318099)
Product is 0.2 um filtered
Retinol-binding protein, Active Protein (Cat# AAA664012)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (ad/ay), Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA310065)
Antithrombin III, Native Protein (Cat# AAA318172)
CA15-3 Cancer Antigen, Native Protein (Cat# AAA651681)
Osteocalcin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537484)
Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE), Native Protein (Cat# AAA318316)
Haptoglobin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537409)
HBsAg, Polyclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA534244)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (ad/ay), Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA312659)
Cancer Antigen CA242, Reagent (Cat# AAA318704)
Product is 0.2um filtered.
Fatty Acid Binding Protein, Protein (Cat# AAA664062)
Fibrinogen, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537444)
gamma Globulin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA538356)
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG-b) beta >= 98% Pure, Protein (Cat# AAA319484)
CA 125, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537564)
Hepatitis B Surface Ag Subtype ad,ay, Polyclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA620429)
HBsAg, Recombinant Protein (Cat# AAA537147)
Human IgA protein, Immunoglobulin (Cat# AAA537833)
Myoglobin (Antigen grade), Protein (Cat# AAA318325)
Immunological activity confirmed by reaction with monoclonal antibody that is specific for human myoglobin
Factor IX, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537154)
Neuron-specific Enolase, Active Protein (Cat# AAA664045)
Hepatitis B, Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA430128)
alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537949)
alpha 1 Microglobulin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537073)
Troponin T, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537236)
VLDL, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537293)
Hepatitis B Surface, Antigen (Cat# AAA319706)
Product is 0.2um filtered
Collagen Type III, Protein (Cat# AAA634496)
Antistreptolysin O, Immunoglobulin (Cat# AAA536520)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (ad/ay), Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA310593)
Fatty Acid Binding Protein (FABP) >98% Pure, Protein (Cat# AAA318333)
Immunological identity confirmed by reaction with monoclonal antibody that is specific for the fatty acid binding protein.