Gene Name
189 results for " HCV inhibitor" - showing 1-50
CD229, Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA212512)
p53, Monoclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA9629032)
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I, Apolipoprotein H (Apo H), Native Protein (Cat# AAA318124)
alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537482)
Complement C1, Active Protein (Cat# AAA537087)
Monosialoganglioside GM1, Ganglioside (Cat# AAA663080)
alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537601)
alpha 2 Antiplasmin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537735)
alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537019)
Osteonectin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537499)
Antithrombin III, Native Protein (Cat# AAA318172)
TBG, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537300)
Fatty Acid Binding Protein, Protein (Cat# AAA664062)
alpha 1 Antichymotrypsin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537949)
Fatty Acid Binding Protein (FABP) >98% Pure, Protein (Cat# AAA318333)
Immunological identity confirmed by reaction with monoclonal antibody that is specific for the fatty acid binding protein.
FABP, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537009)
Antithrombin III, Polyclonal Antibody (Cat# AAA535971)
FABP, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537164)
Trisialoganglioside GT1b, Ganglioside (Cat# AAA663077)
Antithrombin III, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537555)
Alpha 1 Microglobulin, Native Protein (Cat# AAA319749)
TBG, Native Protein (Cat# AAA536592)
TBG, Native Protein (Cat# AAA537007)
Fatty Acid Binding Protein, Plasma (Cat# AAA663100)
Gel for affinity column was prepared by coupling anti-FABP monoclonal antibodies (several monoclonal antibodies specific for different epitopes of FABP molecule) with BrCN-activated Sepharose CL 4B.