Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (38.1kD).)
Western Blot (WB) (RIN2 monoclonal antibody. Western Blot analysis of RIN2 expression in human liver.)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Immunoperoxidase of monoclonal antibody to RIN2 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human small Intestine. [antibody concentration 1.5ug/ml].)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged RIN2 is ~1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (37kD).)
Immunoprecipitation (IP) (Immunoprecipitation of GIMAP5 transfected lysate using GIMAP5 monoclonal antibody and Protein A Magnetic Bead and immunoblotted with GIMAP5 rabbit polyclonal antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged GIMAP5 is 1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (37kD).)
Immunoprecipitation (IP) (Immunoprecipitation of GIMAP5 transfected lysate using GIMAP5 monoclonal antibody and Protein A Magnetic Bead and immunoblotted with GIMAP5 rabbit polyclonal antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged GIMAP5 is 1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIA is approximately 0.3ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIA is approximately 0.3ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (50.49kD).)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged RIN1 is ~0.03ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIA is approximately 0.3ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIB is ~3ng/ml as a capture antibody)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot analysis of GDI1 expression in transfected 293T cell line by GDI1 monoclonal antibody (M12), clone 2C2.Lane 1: GDI1 transfected lysate (50.6 KDa).Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot analysis of GDI1 expression in transfected 293T cell line by GDI1 monoclonal antibody (M12), clone 2C2.Lane 1: GDI1 transfected lysate (50.6 KDa).Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot analysis of GDI1 expression in transfected 293T cell line by GDI1 monoclonal antibody (M12), clone 2C2.Lane 1: GDI1 transfected lysate (50.6 KDa).Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot analysis of GDI1 expression in transfected 293T cell line by GDI1 monoclonal antibody (M12), clone 2C2.Lane 1: GDI1 transfected lysate (50.6 KDa).Lane 2: Non-transfected lysate.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (50.49kD).)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIB is ~3ng/ml as a capture antibody)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (47.12kD).)
Western Blot (WB) (NKIRAS2 monoclonal antibody Western Blot analysis of NKIRAS2 expression in HeLa.)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Immunoperoxidase of monoclonal antibody to NKIRAS2 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human tonsil. [antibody concentration 3ug/ml])
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged NKIRAS2 is ~1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (38.1kD).)
Western Blot (WB) (RIN2 monoclonal antibody. Western Blot analysis of RIN2 expression in human liver.)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Immunoperoxidase of monoclonal antibody to RIN2 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human small Intestine. [antibody concentration 1.5ug/ml].)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged RIN2 is ~1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (37.11kD).)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Immunoperoxidase of monoclonal antibody to NKIRAS1 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human prostate. [antibody concentration 1ug/ml])
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged NKIRAS1 is ~0.1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (47.12kD).)
Western Blot (WB) (NKIRAS2 monoclonal antibody Western Blot analysis of NKIRAS2 expression in HeLa.)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (Immunoperoxidase of monoclonal antibody to NKIRAS2 on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human tonsil. [antibody concentration 3ug/ml])
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged NKIRAS2 is ~1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (37kD).)
Immunoprecipitation (IP) (Immunoprecipitation of GIMAP5 transfected lysate using GIMAP5 monoclonal antibody and Protein A Magnetic Bead and immunoblotted with GIMAP5 rabbit polyclonal antibody.)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged GIMAP5 is 1ng/ml as a capture antibody.)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (48kD).)
Western Blot (WB) (Western Blot detection against Immunogen (48kD).)
Testing Data (Detection limit for recombinant GST tagged ARHGDIA is approximately 0.3ng/ml as a capture antibody.)